Keep track of your earnings and see how much more you're making. Access monthly reports including fresh property inspection photos.
As a licensed real estate agency, we take accounting seriously
With and chill your property is securely managed by a team of licensed real estate agents, giving you the regulatory protections that come with regular auditing and strong governance.
Guest Communications
Fully Licensed We're a licensed real estate agency in Bali, Indonesia, so we've got you covered.
Audited Trust Accounts
Your trust account is audited annually by an external auditor to ensure compliance with state regulations.
Detailed Monthly Statements
On top of the realtime booking dashboard every property owner is provided with, you'll also receive a detailed trust account statement at the end of each month detailing all accomodation payouts and disbursements for the period.
All property owners receive access to a realtime Booking Dashboard which provides details on how your property is performing. Track occupancy, nightly rates and recent reviews all in one mobile-friendly site. We know you'll be impressed with what you see.