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Learn more about Betterplacechevron-white-thin

We are on a mission to reform the way vacation rentals are owned and managed

We are building the most efficient vacation rental investment and management company in Asia
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Quick Facts About Betterplace

$0M+Value of assets under management
0+Vacation rental professionals in team
0K+Guests stayed with us
0Operating locations

Our journey

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A passion for vacation rentals

Betterplace was founded in 2018 by 2 vacation rental enthusiasts who have seen the opportunity to revolutionize Bali’s property management market by introducing IT-backed approach and delivering remarkable customer service.

Within few years company showed amazing growth, expanded to multiple locations, and assembled the outstanding team of passionate vacation rental and real estate experts.

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One-stop-solution for investors

In 2020 Betterplace launched it’s Vacation Rental Investment division providing hundreds of clients from all over the world a seamless way to acquire and profit from vacation rental properties in Bali.

Due to our data-driven approach, deep understanding of vacation rental mechanics and complete property management infrastructure we were able to deliver outstanding ROI for our clients securing our dominant position on the market even further.

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Future without borders

Thanks to our in-house software and scalable operational procedures Betterplace has vast plans on rapid expansion to new markets in South East Asia and beyond.

Join us on an exciting journey of becoming globally recognized leader in Vacation Rentals in Asia.

Meet the team
Get to know the people behind our company's success
Alex Makarov
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Alex Makarovlinkedin logo
Mark Ostrovsky
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Mark Ostrovskylinkedin logo
Message from the founders

“Being vacation rental hosts ourselves we understand the challenges coming with owning a second home in Asia.
We believe that real estate investing and management should be accessible and hassle free for everyone, this is why we've created a comprehensive user-friendly platform simplifying the way vacation rental properties are sold, rented and managed.

We strive to provide high return investment opportunities and exceptional capital growth to our landlords partners and outstanding hospitality service to our guests while keeping your property in the white glove condition.

Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned investor, we're here to help you achieve your goals and maximize your returns.”

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We are tech driven

At Betterplace we believe that success in the modern world comes to companies whose business model, innovation strategy, and growth are technology-oriented
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What do we stand for

We are a diverse and talented team of professionals united by passion for vacation rentals
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InnovationEfficiency and unsettling drive for big and small improvements is a significant part of what makes our company special.
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AccountabilityIt takes years to build reputation, and minutes to lose it. This is why at Betterplace we take our commitments with honor and respect.
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AmbitionBeing an average company with average achievements is not something we are wired for. We set our goals high and strive for an ultimate success on all levels.
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HonestyLoyalty and transparency has been fueling our success since company’s early days and remains among the top of our key principles.
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Our clients speak

Practice Areas

Our expertise
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Property managementarrow icon
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Investment & Developmentarrow icon
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Architect & Constructionarrow icon
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Business consulting and Legal advisoryarrow icon
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Real Estate Agency Servicesarrow icon
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Villa Rentalsarrow icon
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Home Improvement Servicesarrow icon
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Guest concierge servicesarrow icon

Join our team

Share our values, posses relevant skills and looking to challenge yourself? Do not hesitate to apply, we are always looking for talents.
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